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Somatic ExperiencingSomatic Experiencing is a body-based therapy for the treatment of trauma. Trauma resides in the body as trapped energy, which may have become fixed when the body was over-whelmed. The gentle release of this energy allows the trauma to be released gradually in a controlled manner without the need for the person having to re-experience the original trauma.
Somatic AlignmentSomatic Alignment sessions offer an integrative approach that combines breathwork, somatic de-armouring, and life force energy transmission to unravel and release stored memories from our past, both the body and mind. These sessions target deep-seated tension and blockages in both the physical and energy bodies, which often stem from unprocessed past traumas or stress More Info | Book Now
Somatic Experiencing - Gestalt Theatre TherapyMarie Sheridan's 4-week personal development group therapy course offers a holistic and transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. Through the integration of Somatic Experiencing and Gestalt Theatre, participants uncover profound insights, release limiting patterns, develop resilience and cultivate a deeper connection to themselves and others. Small group course over 4 weeks.