| +353 (0) 86 347 34 73
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Shamanic ReikiIn the Shamanic Reiki session that lasts up to 60 minutes, we use elements of chromotherapy, the Shamanic Sacred Pipe with Kumbaiá (mixture of plants), ancestral prayers together with Reiki symbols directing to your energetic cleansing, chakra alignment, reenergizing, blessing and protection of your being. |
Tea ReadingThe Tea Reading is an oracle that opens up as a sacred portal, through the herbal grandmothers' path. These ancient and wise spirits wish to connect with each one of us, sharing their secrets and teachings, to assist us in our individual and particular deep issues of our being, offering us the opportunity to observe things with a new perspective. |
Forest Medicine Circle (One to one and Group Sessions also)The Rapé and Sananga forest medicines, are a sacred ceremony that connects all of our bodies to the nature and the existence energy. This cerimony happens so we can have a moment of true, to really see what is inside of us and learn how to deal with it, by the forest teachings. |