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Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage Workshops

Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage is a complete healing system aimed at restoring balance and harmony within the body, mind and spirit.

This form of massage uses intuitive movement, breathing, rhythm and focused intention. Lomi Lomi massage has a depth to it that perhaps other massage techniques do not carry, in that Lomi also focuses in on an energetic and soul level bringing awareness and healing to all parts of the self.

The practitioner uses their forearms, hands and elbows in a deep dynamic flowing rhythm which has similarities with the waves of the ocean. Rhythmic techniques and intuition are the great tools of the Lomi Lomi practitioner.

Lomi Lomi Level 1 Workshop – 9 & 10 November, 2019

Lomi Lomi Nui massage uses long flowing massage strokes with the forearms, elbows and hands, combined with loving intention and focus on the breath to bring about a truly relaxing experience. We will be learning the basic Lomi techniques for the back of the body. We will also be touching on the history of Lomi Lomi and Hawaiian philosophy.

This workshop is welcome to total beginners and experienced bodyworkers alike.

€200 for this 2 day workshop (Sat & Sun, 10am-6pm)

Early bird €180 (available up to 3 weeks before course commences)


Lomi Lomi Level 2 Workshop – 7 & 8 December, 2019

With this workshop you will learn the arms and the front of the body Lomi Lomi techniques as well as reviewing the back of the body. We will delve a little deeper into Hawaiian philosophy. After this level you will be able to give a 90 mins full body Lomi Lomi massage.

Participants will need to have completed Lomi Lomi level 1 in order to attend Lomi Lomi level 2

€230 for this two day workshop (Sat & Sun, 10am-6pm)

Early bird €210 (available up to 3 weeks before course commences)

Please note that in order to become a Lomi Lomi practitioner at level 3 you will have to complete a diploma in A&P (anatomy and physiology) and another massage therapy e.g. holistic massage

Click here to book a Lomi Lomi Course or  Massage with Aileen 

About Aileen

Aileen Durkan has been studying and practicing Lomi Lomi Nui Massage for over 10 years. She originally came across Lomi Lomi massage as part of her college training. Aileen studied a full time 2 year holistic therapies course where she learned many different massage and healing techniques. She then continued on to do an extra year in Spa Therapies, this is when Aileen was first introduced to Lomi Lomi massage.

“I immediately fell in love with this massage therapy and I’ve been hooked ever since. I can honestly say that lomi lomi has had a profound and life changing impact on me. The people who have moved through my life since beginning lomi lomi have moved me and shaped me to become the person I am today and none more than my own teacher Louise Kleu. Now I have the privilege to share this transformational practice with.”



‘I recently took a lomi lomi massage workshop with Aileen and i found her to be very knowledgeable and professional.Most importantly for me i found Aileen to be very welcoming and personable.I felt at ease for the entire workshop and i enjoyed every minute of it.I can’t recommend Aileen highly enough’

‘Aileen is a truly gifted lady. Her teachings are so down to earth and gentle. Highly recommend either studying with or receiving treatments from her. Thank you, Aileen.’

‘Aileen you are fantastic. I have no experience in massage but I absolutely loved the level 1 as an intro. I’ve already practised on friends and hope to do more. You are very encouraging and helpful in your teaching methods.’

‘Aileen has a the capacity to hold a sacred space where learning is fun and accurate.’

