About Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the ancient art and science of blending and applying essential oils that heal, balance, detoxify, and nourish. We use the purest, highest quality essential oils in a blend created just for you. The oils are absorbed into your bloodstream within twelve seconds, and so they start to tend to your whole system.
Essential, oils are all anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti viral, and really boost your immune system. Each one has its own healing properties and will work in your body for up to 4 days after the massage. They also bring extra oxygen into your bloodstream and relax your nervous system, calm your mind, and increase your circulation.
Your aromatherapy massage also flushes lactic acid out of your tired, sore, overworked muscles and tissues, wonderful for active and sporty people always on the go. Book an appointment with our experienced and professional therapists today.